Events & retreats

Naomi & Orlando welcome you to experience a glorious mixture of practices with us.  Nurture, nourish & harmonise the layers of our sacred selves, whilst making new friends and being part of nature & the wider cosmos. 

Located in the heart of Essex within easy access of the A12,  our location - The Retreat Farm - is a hidden gem of tranquility, surrounded by luscious green fields, its own woodland and views over the river.

Our Retreat Day invites you to explore a sense of letting go, bringing forth balance & contentment as we devote time to all aspects of ourselves. From the corporeal - limbering up our bodies - to the more subtle -  mind and emotions, energy & intuition. 

Sacred Self Alchemy Day retreat

Sunday 19th May 2024


£70 early bird price until 1st May 2024 £80 standard price

We will explore a number of simple but effective practices including; Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation, mindul walking, Yoga Nidra, Cacao, Community, Sacred Sound/Gong Bath.

Tickets will include a delicious & nutritious vegan lunch.

A rough idea of the day:

9:45 - Arrivals
10:00am - Welcome and Sonic Activation
10:30 - Prana Kriya Yoga - a shake down with powerful breath, movement & sound practices to energise balance & cleanse (everything is adaptable to your ability)
11:30 - Restorative yoga
12:00 - Yoga Nidra - yogic sleep, to integrate
12:30 - Lunch
13:30 - Elemental walking meditation with mantra
14:30 - Cacao Ceremony & Sacred Sound Bath
16:00 - Closing & goodbyes

What is Prana Kriya Yoga?

This is unique Yoga class, with a carefully choreographed Kriya practices, affecting all systems of the body - from the the physical body to the most subtle energies of the mind and emotions. You may find this practice challenging but it will leave you feeling balanced, grounded and content within yourself.

Kriya means, action or effort. It is a practice sustained for a period of time and includes a specific physical movement, a focus for the mind, a mudra, a specific breathing pattern and a ‘primordial’ sound - which can often be loud.

Sustained practice of PKY, will shift your mental attitude, strengthen your body, improve your breath capacity, focus and inner strength.

What is Yoga nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation, also known as yogic sleep or effortless relaxation and practiced lying down. It guides you to a state of deep relaxation so that the body can rest and repair.

What is a Sound Bath?

Minimal effort required, for maximum results. Simply recline, bathing in the deeply therapeutic and delightful sacred sound vibrations that will help promote healing, happiness and vitality. You will listen to the ethereal tones of our crystal bowls, handmade Tibetan Singing Bowls - including 7 Chakra  bowls, the Chinese Wind Gong, vocal toning, shamanic drum, tingshas, koshi bells and more.....The different frequencies activate different aspects of our subtle body and the Sympathetic Nervous System - the Relaxation, Rest & Repair Response - and open up a plethora of positive physical, mental, emotional & energetic health benefits.


The Retreat Farm

Bassetts Lane,


